creative city international fair


Stand 1. Technologies To The People
Stand 2. Electroboutique
Stand 3. Recetas Urbanas
Stand 4. Ready.Scapes
Stand 5. Ulises I
Stand 6. Time Notes Bank
Stand 7. Transnational Republic
Stand 8. DemoKino
Stand 9. Molleindustria
Stand 10. Artvertiser
Stand 11. Smart Citizen
Stand 12. Chic Point
Stand 13. TaxiLink
Stand 14. Burak Arikan

Stand 9.
Paolo Pedercini

Molleindustria can be described as: 1) Soft Industry. 2) Soft Factory. 3) A project of reappropriation of video games. 4) A call for the radicalization of popular culture. 5) An independent game developer.
Since 2003 we produced homeopathic remedies to the idiocy of mainstream entertainment in the form of free, short-form, online games. Our products range from satirical business simulations, to meditations on labour and alienation, from playable theories to politically incorrect pseudo-games.
Creative City Fair ® is a joint venture between
Psychoeconomy and Technologies To The People.

Creative City International Fair Cibeles 2013/14
CentroCentro. Plaza de Cibeles, 1. 28014 Madrid | t +34 91 480 00 08